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Ultimately, having one CTA button

Posted: Tue May 21, 2024 6:58 am
by marziyamim316
Is best for promoting conversions. There are, however, some scenarios where you may be able to use more than one CTA. For example, if you’re advertising a product that’s for students and teachers, you may have two separate CTAs — one that addresses the teachers and one that addresses the students. In this case, you’re still guiding these users to take the same action — the only difference is that the product or service experience is more tailored to the person’s academic status based on the button they click.

Keep in mind, too, that you can use the same CTA button multiple Liechtenstein Email List times on your page. If you have a longer landing page, it’s best to integrate your CTA button throughout so users don’t have to scroll back to the top to convert. When you craft your CTA button, you’ll want to ensure that you make it stand out on the page. Whether you use it one time or three times, your audience should easily spot it on the page.


You’ll also want to ensure that you use descriptive text for your CTA too. Tell your audience precisely what happens if they click on the button. Direct, descriptive text will help you entice more people to click and convert. 5. Don’t add distractions If you want to know how to create an email landing page that’s successful, focus on eliminating distractions on your landing page.