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where people read books

Posted: Tue May 21, 2024 6:54 am
by juthiaq38
For me, who have read novels and written novels, the common thinking of people about books, stories and novels is ridiculous. Here is the interesting point of the story: some people say that they have either never read a novel, or one day when they were a teenager they read a novel by Moadebpour or Fahima Rahimi. This. But ironically, this ridiculous thinking is a common thinking. That is, if a common man wants to advise people like me, he says: "Get out of the books and stories, see the reality. The real world is different from the world of stories.

This means that the general public sees the relationship Saudi Arabia Email List between the novel, reality and imagination as follows: bang, opium, ecstasy, weed! The novel is fantasy, but I don't know what it is Be careful: this is a common thought. Where? In this time and place, . I have nothing to do with statistics. Reality does not need statistics. The per capita statistics announced by the government are as pointless and useless as the inflation statistics. When everything is obvious, you don't need statistics. Statistics are for fooling. People usually think of writers and book readers as fantasy people.


From the past until today, basically, someone who has been a little bit in the book and smelled of understanding, has been isolated due to not accepting the conventional rules. But this image of a book reader and writer is the craft of filmmakers. Some may say that many readers are addicted to drugs and cannabis. It is nonsense because it has never been proven. Have we checked them all? After all, if we know a number of female lawyers, does this mean that all lawyers are like this? Readers are strange and isolated The relationship between the novel.