Direct Mail Planning fax number list

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Direct Mail Planning fax number list

Post by Suruz009 »

What criteria you can use when fax number list searching, and what percentage of the data can be expected to be accurate (we find that 80% accuracy is a good mark to shoot for - below that is unacceptable, above is excellent). List provider services vary widely in all of these areas, so do your homework before making a fax number list purchase - poor quality data is actually worse than useless, it will result in wasted time and therefore money. Once you've sourced a quality prospecting list, the next step is putting it to use. Telesales is one traditional area fax number list that many agencies can still utilize, assuming they know how to execute an effective campaign.

There are basically two approaches fax number list to telesales, the shotgun and the sniper, and both can yield quality results. A good example of the shotgun approach would be a general agency that provides P&C and benefits to basically any business. A prospecting list is procured containing fax number list all industries that meet a certain size and location criteria, and the calls begin. This approach is a numbers game: a certain number of calls yield a certain number of follow up opportunities, which yield a certain number of meetings, which yield a certain fax number list number of closes.

Using the shotgun approach, success fax number list percentage is typically low, but overall numbers can end up being high since this approach is basically a "numbers game". The sniper approach is the opposite: The prospect list is small and carefully selected for very specific properties. Calls are made by very fax number list senior people directly to decision makers, with a pitch individually tailored to the person who will receive the call. This approach will typically yield a higher percentage success rate, but lower total numbers. Either approach can be successful; the key thing to remember is that whichever approach you choose, you must commit to it fully and focus fax number list on the long term ROI.
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