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it is recommended to implement a method that assigns

Posted: Tue May 21, 2024 6:25 am
by mejbaul09
Infinite scrolling is one method to solve this problem, allowing users to view content simply by scrolling, without having to click (tap) on links. It is used in smartphone apps where the content display area is limited, and feed-type apps (including web pages) such as Facebook and Twitter. SEO concerns and solutions It has also been pointed out that infinite scrolling is a concern when it comes to SEO. In infinite scrolling, the content will be loaded again after scrolling to a certain point.

At this time, Google's crawler cannot necessarily reproduce the scrolling and additional loading using JavaScript in the same way as the user, and cannot find all content. As a countermeasure, a separate URL to each item to be Austria Email List loaded. This way, even though it appears to be a single page to the user, search engines can see all the content by visiting each URL. Here, it is necessary to set rel=”prev/next” for each page in order.


Make sure the same URL always returns the same content For example, if you are creating an infinite scroll page in the order of new content, and if you set the URL in the order of new content and set the individual page URLs, then when new content is distributed, the same content will appear before and after it. Even the URL will change the content. is set for a URL like this, when new content is distributed, the content that was at num=1 will be changed to num=2.