Why is Basic Auth going to cease to exist?

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Why is Basic Auth going to cease to exist?

Post by @hasan8520# »

Whether you want to know the variation in revenue compared to the same period of the previous year, or if you want to represent data from different tables on the same time scale, adding a Calendar table to your model will be of great help, thanks to the powerful date and time DAX functions available in the Microsoft tool. In addition, a Calendar table will allow you to add temporary filters at the page level to carry out a relative filtering of the data and show, for example, the data of the last semester.

When a filter is applied at the page level, all visuals on that page are synced to the same time interval. Now, let's say that you are in the month of June 2022 and you want to represent the latest sales data available to date (let's say they are updated until May 2022). In this case, you would not be able to Japan Phone Number List use a relative date filter at the page level, because you would only have the option to select the last month (June 2022) and the report would appear empty.


So how can we keep a report up to date with the latest sales data available, without having to manually apply filters every time we open the report? In this article we will see how to keep a Power BI report automatically updated with the latest available data: Keep your Power BI reports automatically updated with the latest available data Step 1: Create your Calendar table As we have seen previously, create a Calendar table and Adding it to your model provides numerous benefits. This step can be done using Power Query (M language) or by creating a new table with DAX functions.
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