What Is Rapport and Why Is It Necessary to Sell?

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What Is Rapport and Why Is It Necessary to Sell?

Post by Rakiboul »

-Hi how are you?-Hello, very good and you?-Well, how was your weekend?-Super quiet, and yours?-It was good. And the weather over there? How are you?- Raining a little.That conversation made me lazy just reading it, didn't you?Talking about the weather, the weekend and other banal things are the famous "elevator talks."We know that this "icebreaker" is important before any dialogue, especially in business meetings.However, when a salesperson comes in “kicking in the door” and talking business, the other person is usually scared. She comes to feel invaded.In this post we are going to talk to you about rapport. Have you heard about him yet? It has to do with sales and the initiation of business conversations. Join us to learn about this resource!But what is rapport at the end of the day?Rapport is a segment of psychology and a technique used to create empathy and attunement with other people. Its origin is French and it means rapporter or "bring back."This technique can be used in both personal and professional relationships.In this article we will discuss the best way to use it to help you in your sales actions.Rapport comes from the study of NLP (neuro-linguistic programming) and is widely studied in the business area, especially when it comes to negotiations and opening the doors for a good business relationship.It is understood that the result of a rapport well done is a deep sense of trust that helps to open the doors of communication.Initial rapport is extremely important. We must not arrive "entering people's homes without at least ringing the bell."This technique should last the entire conversation, and for you to achieve that, we bring you some tricks.

Fundamental behaviorsThe three fundamental behaviors of rapport, before it even begins, are: the intention;the attitude or frame (also known as mutual attention); positivism;coordination.But what does that mean?First we must want to know and listen to the other, with attention and sincerity.After that, have the attitude of validating the other within their own world.In other words, how can I be similar within what I have as reality?Afterwards, it only remains to practice and place yourself in a more perceptive position of the other, to put yourself in their place.Rapport for Inside SalesOkay. Know, understand and put oneself in the place of the other. But, how can I do that if my sale is from a distance, by phone or by computer (better known as inside sales)?SmileIt may sound silly to you, but when we smile during a conversation, even from a distance, we can positively impact the person on the other side.It's almost as email database if she can "hear" the person's smile from her place.When we sell something in a happy way, it is much easier for those who buy to perceive that it is a positive product, since the person seems to be having fun and taking pleasure in making that sale.Toggle the tone of voiceIt is very important to control your tone of voice, respecting the moments when it should be lower and calmer and those when it should denote excitement and fun.Manage breathing Controlling your breaths and pausing your speech is the magic piece to good rapport.Pauses with small interjections show that you are attentive to what the other person is saying, and that you are elaborating your speech at that moment, according to what they are talking about.And that you are not a robot with a sales script, speaking only about what is already programmed.It is considered the magic piece, as it must be present along with the other topics.Call the person by nameA speech like: "Good afternoon, Mrs. Maria, these are the most recommended products for you. Which one of them do you like the most, Mrs. Maria?" Has much more positive impact than the same speech without the person's name. Example:

"Good afternoon, these are the most recommended products for you. Which one do you like the most?"Using the person's name personalizes the speech, and the listener knows that it was designed entirely for him.Let the other person express themselvesThere is nothing more tedious than talking to someone who does not stop talking, and does not listen at any time.When you let the other express himself, you make that person feel heard and make him feel that you really understand the problem and need for him, that way, you can offer the best option for a resolution.Pauses and the correct tone of voice at this time are extremely important.Show interestIt is useless to allow time for the other to express themselves if you are not genuinely interested in the story they are telling you.Pause in surprise, use expressions of optimism and interest, and ask her to continue speaking.Sure, you will use this to your advantage to address the questions you need to ask, showing that you are really interested.
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