What is programmatic ad buying? | Spoiler: The brother cellphone list of the future

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What is programmatic ad buying? | Spoiler: The brother cellphone list of the future

Post by mirakhatun »

What is this programmatic buying and brother cellphone list advertising ? We are sure that if you are here it is because you have heard any of these terms and you wonder: What is it? Any brother cellphone list ? What does it have to do with Google? And what about RTB? Nothing happens, we will respond to all this and more in this post, and step by step so you do not get lost.The simple definition for the question What is programmatic buying or programmatic advertising? it would be the use of automated purchasing technologies for advertising space in digital media.I explain, programmatic advertising is a way to buy the parts of web pages destined for advertising (banners, sidebars, pop ups, etc ...) automatically through technologies that are based on Machine Learning algorithms, Big Data and cookies among other data . Sounds impressive and complicated, right? It is not so, you'll see.

We already know what programmatic advertising is as a concept, but for the purchase of programmatic advertising in digital media to occur, there needs to be three parties involved: advertisers, users and spaces.Advertisers : are those interested in advertising to impact the target audience. Advertisers are generally advised by specialized digital marketing departments and media agencies.Users : these are Internet users who visit the different web pages and who may be the target audience for programmatic advertising campaigns based on their characteristics as a consumer. Wow, any of us.Spaces : these are the sections of the web pages whose administrators make available to advertisers to introduce their advertising.Technology behind programmatic buyingWhen we talked about what programmatic buying is and if we gave a definition, we made reference to the existence of technologies such as algorithms, big data and cookies that were related to the technology used for it.

Platforms for plaintiffs (DSP or Demand Side Pratform): phone number list are advertising platforms where the advertiser decides where, how and to whom their advertising will be phone number list . What these DSPs allow is to optimize the impressions of the ads, that is, the advertising is shown to those really interested profiles.Platforms for sellers (SSP or Sell Side Platform) : these are platforms where the administrators of the web pages sell their advertising spaces to generate income through programmatic advertising.
Ad exchange platforms (AD Exchange) : it is the technology that unites the platform of sellers where advertising spaces are offered, with the platforms of applicants who seek to insert their advertising in said spaces.Data management platforms (DMP or Data Management Platform) : these are platforms that offer a large amount of data on the characteristics and behavior of users. This data is used by advertisers to optimize their ads based on the characteristics of their target audience.
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