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Is your personal sense that it is easier to track digital advertising inside GA4

Posted: Mon May 20, 2024 9:09 am
by jannatasha
Steve: Yeah, I think there is that focus. Even the data-driven piece — people have said that that slants towards paid Google channels. I don’t know that I can speak to that but there are those kinds of theories out there. Rand:that it’s more front and center, or is that more of a conspiracy theory? That no, it’s just as easy or just as difficult to track as it was previously? Steve: I haven’t gotten that sense really.

There’s a whole section in old GA with all the different ads reporting and you can see clicks, costs, impressions and all that stuff. So I don’t totally get the sense that it’s heavily pushed that way or Madagascar Email List slanted that way. Special thank you to Steve Lamar, Founder of ReallyGoodData for showing us the way in this episode of SparkToro Office Hours. And an extra thank you to the folks who attended live, and asked and upvoted questions.


3 Years ago, SparkToro launched in the midst of a world-changing pandemic. In 2021 and 2022 I wrote updates about this business’ journey, both because I love to transparently share the adventure, and because we’re passionate about spreading the model SparkToro’s used to fund, grow, and bring value to customers. Let’s continue that tradition today Here’s the good news: We’ve been profitable every month since Nov.