Phone Number List Problem for the

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Phone Number List Problem for the

Post by parboti00 »

Transgressions of authority and at least questionable behavior by commissioners, prosecutors, coroners and their Phone Number List female counterparts are the norm and are allowed to advance the plot without comment. The viewers should be able to enjoy seeing the familiar and popular characters as often as possible. If they are not Phone Number List allowed to do anything in their role for formally correct reasons, they still become active here and act illegally. After all, they should solve the case and no one else. No characters are introduced whose Phone Number List investigations would be at the expense of the plot parts of the

Dramaturgy comes before Phone Number List correctness. Rule violations are only flagged if it serves to build up tension and the results of these illegal actions are worked on without reservation, without anyone bothering to legally secure them in any Phone Number List way. Even Inspector Kröger, who with her "barred, barred, barred" rating (59:13 min) takes on the classic role of instruction at one point - nowhere else are we as close to Kaul - forgets seconds later the Phone Number List indisputably illegal break-in the coroner duo

Problem for the police. Such things would be in one 13 min) takes on the classic role of instruction at one point - nowhere Phone Number List else are we as close to Kaul -, seconds later forgets the indisputably illegal burglary by the coroner duo Boerne/Haller and does not see this as a problem for the police. Such things would be in one 13 Phone Number List min) takes on the classic role of instruction at one point - nowhere else are we as close to Kaul -, seconds later forgets the indisputably illegal burglary by the coroner duo Boerne/Haller and does not see this as a problem for the police. Such things would be in oneTV pitaval an impossibility. This leads us Phone Number List to the realization that despite the ideological
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