Your Email Marketing special email list Campaign

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Aklima Khatun
Posts: 1
Joined: Sun Jan 23, 2022 5:21 am

Your Email Marketing special email list Campaign

Post by Aklima Khatun »

There are two types of Opting method in Opting special email list Email Marketing. They are the Single Opting and Double Opting method. Single Opting method is the most convenient method for everyone as each individual simply fill in his or her email address special email list in the opting form at the squeeze page and click on the Subscribe button. The email address will in return be captured by your auto-responder. Due to the easiness of this signing up process, it usually special email list yield a higher opting rate as compared to the Double Opting method. In Single Opting Email Marketing, the typical

opting rate will range from 30% to as high special email list as 60% depending on the quality of your squeeze page. The biggest drawback in Single Opting method is that you may get a bunch of invalid email addresses from your squeeze page due to various special email list reasons. Sometimes, it can be caused by accidental typo errors when keying in the email address. Sometimes special email list it could be intentional mistake so that people can get through to your freebies download page. To overcome the drawback mentioned above, some internet marketers start practicing the Double Opting

method. This is called the Double Opting Email special email list Marketing. It is a more complicated process as compared to Single Opting method because there is an extra email address verification step whereby each individual is required to perform. He or she will be special email list requested to confirm his or her email address by clicking on a link contained in an email which was sent out immediately by your auto-responder after he or she completed the signed up process at your special email list squeeze page. Sometimes, this additional step of email verification may turn away.
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