7 (simple) tips to generate email list leads with your Facebook page

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7 (simple) tips to generate email list leads with your Facebook page

Post by sanjoykumar »

Our Youtuber then takes a photo of himself in front of the Hollywood sign and shares the photo on Instagram to his hundreds of thousands of followers , with the hashtag that goes with it of course! Also note that the people who follow Tibo Inshape are mostly young people. These are the people that EF wants to target email list for their language stays (between 16 and 23 years old). It is therefore a strategic choice to call on Tibo inshape. In any case, very nice marketing move! I think influencers are really an opportunity to seize if you manage an e-commerce, because the ROIs (return on investment) can be much higher than a Facebook advertising campaign for example. Be careful, however, to email list choose the right influencers, who have a good rate of engagement on their publications AND above all whose audience corresponds to your target.

Remember: People have confidence in their peers, much more than in advertisements. 8) Have a email list contest Ah, the social media contests. Who has never tried to participate in one of these competitions to try to win a prize? Brands like Nutella regularly have contests on their Facebook page. Not to make money. But mainly to gain notoriety, reach new people on email list social networks and engage their existing community. You can also launch a contest in partnership with an influencer on Instagram if you want to reach a different audience than the one you already have. This is what Garnier does . Here too, the email list objective had to be to increase their brand awareness. The 2 most recommended social networks for contests are Facebook and Instagram. Don't think you can't do a contest for your business. Anyone can start one with creativity. You don't need to have a brand of clothing or cosmetics to enter contests. Take a look at what Cedric Annicette , a email list French webentrepreneur, is doing. A competition to win a place at his best-selling QLRR seminar! He uses this flagship event to get new fans on his Instagram account.

It seems that he is targeting women. So, how do you succeed in your competition? Choose a platform (Facebook? Instagram?) Choose a price that is attractive enough for your target audience (usually it is better if it is one of your products. It can even be coaching if you are a service company). Set rules. The best is to ask your email list followers 2 actions: Subscribe to your page AND either tag one or more friends in the comments or share the post (by asking to identify your brand or a branded hashtag ) . Select a winner (random). There are web tools like Social Shaker to launch your contests. 9) Offer a promo code You like promotions, right?
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