The industry email list Private Online Course at the service of companies

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The industry email list Private Online Course at the service of companies

Post by kanijfatema »

Companies now have an effective solution for carrying out internal training actions. This is the SPOC, a more restricted e-learning version of the famous MOOC. Above all, this tool industry email list it possible to conduct training that is available at any time, anywhere. Understand industry email list SPOC is We especially know the MOOCs, the Massive Open Online Courses. This is surely the best-known e-learning formula. If the latter is mainly intended for the general public and accessible to tens of thousands of people, the formula of the SPOC or Small Private Online Courses, is more restricted. It is only intended for a few dozen people, well suited, in this case, to companies.

In addition, if face-to-face training requires the total involvement of employees, in particular by scrupulously respecting timetables, the SPOC allows the company to tolerate lateness or absences. Indeed, participants can follow the training live on the internet, or view it later since it is industry email list recorded. Participants can learn at their own pace. Furthermore, trainers can answer learners' questions directly by email or through social networks. For the company, the SPOC is a good way to measure the ROI of training. Indeed, activities and progress are recorded. In this way, it is easier to know if new skills are acquired. How to design a good SPOC? If the SPOC is a good method for training within a company, it is nevertheless necessary to industry email list its design.

There are a few criteria to consider when designing a good SPOC. First of all, a well-structured training plan must be put in place. Establishing continuity in the training plan industry email list it possible above all to obtain a common learning pace. It is also relevant to set up a discussion forum on the training. Above all, this allows learners to share their opinion in the form of structured discussions while promoting the consolidation of learning through sharing. SPOC training can also provide additional educational resources allowing learners to open up to other subjects. A good SPOC usually includes the “gamification” of training.
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