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Technical Seo Audit

Posted: Sun Jan 23, 2022 5:02 am
by devielthan
The guide on how to perform a thorough technical SEO audit that only experienced SEO experts can do. And a free technical SEO audit template.This is a comprehensive technical SEO audit checklist that will enable you to perform a thorough technical SEO audit of any website. Personally, I use this checklist every time I do a technical SEO audit. And I invite you to use it too!This checklist probably contains all the technical SEO stuff you can think of. In response to your feedback, I've also added a few less technical (but also vitally important) items, like EAT.To be able to follow all the steps, you need a site exploration tool like Semrush.SEO NEWSLETTERSEO NewsletterSubscribe to receive free weekly updates with SEO news , SEO tips , SEO tools and more!Join over 3000 ambitious SEOs.Your e-mail addressLeave this field blank if you are human:️ Don't miss my list of SEO audit tools and Google SEO tools. And check out my list of sample technical SEO issues and SEO tips.If you're new to SEO, be sure to check out my SEO basics guide and list of SEO best practices.What is the purpose of the SEO technical audit you are about to do?Let's start by answering these 5 starter questions so you can establish the purpose of the technical SEO audit you're about to do.Here are some questions to ask yourself:
Do you want to find the reasons why the website lost its traffic and visibility in searches?Want to get an overview of technical issues that may be hampering the website?Do you want to detect the most serious technical errors and offer quick solutions?Do you want to carry out an in-depth technical SEO audit that analyzes all the more or less important technical SEO elements?Do you want to audit your own website?It's good to know what you want to accomplish with the audit before you start. After all, you can't hit a target you can't see .Once you know your goal, it's time to start the geek part.The Google Page Experience Update is coming soon, so I strongly suggest you check out my guide on how to do a Google Page Experience Audit to prepare for August.And don't miss my Core Web Vitals audit.Gather basic technical informationIf you are looking for an 手机号码列表 SEO tool to add to your toolkit, be sure to check out Sitebulb which is a great site crawler tool. You can use Sitebulb for free for 60 days. I also have a guide where I show you how to audit your site with Sitebulb.SitebulbGET ACCESS TO PREMIUM SEO CONTENTSEOSLY Pro members have access to Olga's SEO Audit Video Guide where she documents her 500+ Step SEO Audit Process , Olga 's Mini Video SEO Audits , SEO Audit Templates , Tips SEO pro audit , and much more!SEOSLY ProSEOSLY PROseosly proJoin SEOSLY Pro to become a technical SEO expert in no time.#1 Do a manual review of the websiteIt's good practice to start your audit by manually reviewing the website and simply taking notes on what catches your eye. This is an impressive pre-audit task that will help you take a different look at the data provided by the tools. Your initial analysis at this point will make it easy to connect the dots later once you've gathered the data from SEO tools.No. 2: Check the website using Semrush or another SEO tool The next step after manually reviewing the website and before going into details is to simply analyze the website using one of the more popular

SEO tools, such as Semrush or Ahrefs.Domain verification in SEMRushThis is how you hover over a domain in Semrush to gather basic data about it.Run website analysis and pay attention to things, like domain metrics, backlinks, overall visibility, organic traffic, organic keywords, traffic trends to get an overall "feel". This is an essential step!#3: Check the backlink profileEven though this is a technical SEO audit (not a link audit), you should still perform at least a general backlink profile analysis. If the website is involved in low quality link building, you as the auditor need to be aware of this as it can negatively influence the overall performance and visibility of the website in search.Backlink Audit in SEMRushSemrush has a very nice backlink audit tool that allows you to quickly preview the backlink profile of the audited site.You can perform a general link audit using Semrush which will aggregate links and flag potentially low quality links. Remember that this is only a tool and your human judgment is key here.No. 4: Check the CMS of the websiteIt is likely that the website you are auditing uses a CMS (Content Management System). And chances are it's WordPress (which currently powers almost 40% of websites).However, as an auditor, you need to know which CMS the website is using so that you can provide relevant recommendations on how to fix, for example, some of the CMS-specific issues.