In the early Phone Number List days of mobile devices

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In the early Phone Number List days of mobile devices

Post by NajmulIslam8 »

In 2017, 5.8 million Internet users in Switzerland Phone Number List used smartphones and around 4.2 million of their entire population used tablets. Another study conducted suggests that in 2018, around 2 billion people around the world used mobile devices to Phone Number List shop online. People are spending more and more time communicating with their mobile device.

These devices, which share their daily lives, allow Phone Number List us (the marketers) to capture their attention and start a conversation with your company / product / service. Advertising campaigns are also reacting to this development. Even if the share of digital in the total advertising market in Switzerland is low, more than half of the amount spent on digital Phone Number List advertising this year will go to mobile.

Given the high penetration of mobile Phone Number List, marketers see this medium as an opportunity to create a consistent customer experience that 73% of them say they want. (Oracle/Econsultancy Marketing Budgets Survey 2016). Key to this is providing a mobile experience that is streamlined, engaging, user-friendly, and in line with the brand experience Phone Number List through other channels.
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