Good News for Advergaming: Users Prefer Ad Games if They Are Free

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Good News for Advergaming: Users Prefer Ad Games if They Are Free

Post by rabbihasan »

The world of games has taken off within the digital marketing and advertising strategy, especially since the profile of the person who plays has become much more diverse than it was initially thought to be. Perhaps at first the gamer profile was that of a teenager, as the Country Email List recurring cliche indicated.Now, however, many population groups play, as online games have diversified. Apps allow access to many things and cover many leisure moments. During the toughest moments of the pandemic, usage patterns took off.These usage figures were seen as very good news for marketers, as they established a new channel to reach consumers and to present products and services to them. Adverting has become increasingly relevant and important. You just have to see how Animal Crossing sparked a frenzy among brands to position themselves in the game with all kinds of actions and campaigns.

Of course, marketers try to enter those environments Country Email List organically or with actions that could be considered more of content marketing, but advertising has its potential as well. After all, consumers prefer not to pay for their games and therefore accept the ads without hesitation.The latest global study on mobile games by Toluene and Harris Interactive proves this. Games with ads are the most popular with gamer, who are also the most engaged in this environment.53% of mobile gamer claim to have played free games that include ads (and have no in-app purchases) in the last twelve months. 51% of players have done so with games with ads and in-app purchases, also free. Both groups are among those who have played a lower average number of games in the last twelve months, which translates into greater fidelity to the games they use.

Those of the free games with ads and without purchases play on average about 6.3 and those of the free games with ads and purchases at about 6.8. This compares with the 8.2 games on average played by those who pay subscriptions to pay for streaming games or the 8 by those who pay subscriptions to download games. These two formats are ad-free.Games with ads are also those that Country Email List lead the table of the most popular, ahead of those that are free without ads, but with in-app purchases (45%), those that are paid without purchases (25%), those that they are paid and with purchases (23%) and those of the two subscription methods (19% with download and 16% in streamer).
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