The tools of digital transformation

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The tools of digital transformation

Post by aktermimmimakter104 »

Companies should therefore focus on the team and promote a corporate culture entirely oriented towards customer experience. Too often today we still work in separate silos, with department databases and inevitably "partial" strategies. This attitude must be overcome immediately. It's about sharing the knowledge resulting from the data to formulate the strategy to follow together. Digital transformation provides very useful tools for sharing and integrating internal processes.

Customer experience at the center of digital transformation Talking about digital transformation today means referring to a wide range of tools and Palestinian Territories Email List possibilities available to companies. The areas of application concern: Automation : through marketing automation it is possible to make some operations automatic, upon activation of a condition set as a rule.


Automation also applies to the sales department Data tracking and acquisition : CRM, customer data platform, website and social media analytics: all this information is collected, integrated and processed to get to know the customer and understand their needs, but also to find new customers to turn to Forecast: artificial intelligence and machine learning, starting from the data available, can identify trends, highlight patterns and learn from customer behavior, producing reliable and concrete projections There are many tools available, advanced technologies and very interesting possibilities if used with the customer at the centre.
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