M-Commerce Twice the Cash Value of E-Commerce

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M-Commerce Twice the Cash Value of E-Commerce

Post by CHOBI »

Everyone knows that India has a large population. This large population Buy Mass Sms offers huge opportunities in different demographic segments. One of such attractive segment is the youth or teenage population one knows that India has a large population. This large Buy Mass Sms population offers huge opportunities in different demographic segments. The teenagers in India pose an immense market potential for a whole lot of products: Fashion accessories, Buy Mass Sms Fast foods, books, education, clothes, music, and electronics, Sports, entertainment.

India is home to the largest population of teenagers anywhere in Buy Mass Sms the world. India has about 115.3 Million teenagers. This number even surpasses the number of teenagers in the US, Canada, UK, France, Germany Japan. Youth forms the major chunk to the growing Internet Buy Mass Sms user base in India. Youth are already having an enormous impact: on the economy, on companies hoping to sell them products, on the media, and on the Buy Mass Sms culture.

Some 47% of India's current 1 billion population is under the age of 20, Buy Mass Sms and teenagers among them number about 160 million. Already, they wield $2.8 billion Buy Mass Sms worth of discretionary income, and their families spend an additional $3.7 billion on them every year. These youth will demand a more cosmopolitan society that is a full-fledged Buy Mass Sms member of the global economy.
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