Google needs to job function list continuously update this application.

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Google needs to job function list continuously update this application.

Post by sky9015 »

The job function list last update dates from November 16, 2017 and is intended to improve the experience of Internet users. But whats the role of Google Maps? What did the update bring?Google Maps, its principleAvailable on French territory since 2006, Google Maps is a service that can be consulted free of charge on the web and via the application present on smartphones.Google Maps allows, first job function list of all, to job function list visualize satellite images of the whole world. You start first with an image of the planet. Then you have the option to zoom in to continents, countries, and even neighborhoods. The images

provided by the satellites benefit from a high resolution.However, the real usefulness of this application lies in finding addresses or places. During job function list your holidays, for example, you can prepare your routes using this tool. It is also possible to create and job function list customize your own geographical maps.Google Maps, new design elementsGoogle Maps recently received an update to make it easier to job function list use. Indeed, previously, Internet users did not always receive relevant information by consulting the maps. It was found, for example, that pedestrians were informed of the location of petrol stationsNow the application is much smarter. This update

allows the app to display points of interest based on job function list the user's mode of transportation. If you're on a metro train, Maps shows you the location of various metro stations. Your interface will not be polluted by the location of gas stations.The update has also optimized the visualization of points of interest. From now on, each point of interest is represented on the map by a pictogram and a color. For example, shops are visible with a blue dot and healthcare facilities are pink.
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