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Digital application of Neuromarketing

Posted: Wed Jan 26, 2022 6:40 am
by Farhan001
Working as almost a single entity. Have you heard of fax number database financial robo advisors? If you haven't done it yet, believe me you're going to start listening to it very soon. Today I want to talk to you about what they are and how they are going to change your financial landscape in the fax number database coming years. The Fintech industry is growing enormously through the introduction of technology in many financial services that we use every day, and one fax number database of them will be changing the financial advisor for a robo advisor.

We can say that they are, as their name fax number database suggests, robot advisors that, through certain algorithms and artificial intelligence systems that allow them to constantly learn, are capable of providing information about what the best investment possibilities are, not only on a large scale but also very small scale fax number database level, for example to invest €100. You may be wondering what advantages the use of robo advisors has, and some of the most notable is the enormous reduction in commission that the user receives, as fax number database well as a greater diversification of products in which to invest and the possibility of a greater capacity of data analysis.

It also happens that in a recent course I did in fax number database one of my projects, it was about a robo Advisors project where I want to briefly summarize some of the points that I valued. Robo Advisors Project The first thing was to define the target audience and at first glance you may think that it is only young people, but my project did not see it that way, on the one hand you can include the Millennial generation and new later generations, but I opened two fax number database new groups of potential clients : those people who have not yet invested money fax number database and it was going to be their first investment, and where many times they felt uncomfortable sharing certain.