The Case Against The Chief Digital Officer Bulgaria Phone Number

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rajia rimi
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Joined: Wed Jun 29, 2022 9:15 am

The Case Against The Chief Digital Officer Bulgaria Phone Number

Post by rajia rimi »

If the CMO is supposed to foster customer relationships through Bulgaria Phone Number personalized experiences and ultimately drive digital transformations, should the role of CDO even exist? While the intent behind the chief digital officer (CDO) role is right, the execution is wrong. A good chief marketing officer (CMO) should be responsible for driving digital transformation—not the CDO. Therefore, marketing leaders are required to step up their game. Every now and then, you run across business ideas that experts initially laud, that later ends Bulgaria Phone Number in tears. (Does anyone remember business process reengineering?) As the nature of our world and our interactions has become .

More digital than ever before, companies are adding a newly created Bulgaria Phone Number role of CDO to their executive masthead. It seems that this year, experts and firms around the world have increasingly been talking about the rise of the CDO. In fact, research from Gartner predicted that by the end of this year, 25 percent of organizations would have hired a CDO. Among other things, the CDO is supposed to drive their companies’ digital presence as well as their digital consumer experiences. This is a bad idea. Some are absolutely thrilled by that Bulgaria Phone Number prospect and contend that the CDO really ought to be the CMO of the future, but I beg to differ. I know this is provocative but the CDO, in title and role, just should not exist.
The CMO is really the new CDO of the future. CMOs and marketers need Bulgaria Phone Number to rise to the challenge of our new digital world and take control of the transformation in their organizations. As a recent Accenture study noted, it’s up to CMOs to prove they can serve as catalysts who can help embrace broader digital opportunities for their organizations while defending against threats. Digital: the new apple pie Chief executive officers (CEOs) now operate in a vastly different marketing landscape from what they faced just a few years ago. Everything Bulgaria Phone Number used to be offline, but within a relative blink of time, every business has become – or is in the process of becoming—focused on digital. Digital is now as ubiquitous as “apple pie” American values.
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